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Alliance for Housing Membership

Row of Houses

Interested in becoming a member?

The Alliance for Housing is always looking for qualified people and organizations to help with the needs of people experiencing homelessness in Oakland County. If you or your organization would like to be involved in this important work, please click the link to complete form. 


If you would like more information about becoming a member please email

Member Responsibilities

Paying dues gives you the opportunity to vote board members in and on issues that come up at our membership meetings.
  1. Elect the Alliance for Housing CoC Board of Directors.

  2. Assure committees are established in accordance with the bylaws. 

  3. Assure creation of additional committees, subcommittees, or work groups as necessary.

  4. Consult with the Alliance and HMIS Lead to follow and update the governance charter/bylaws as needed.

Membership Benefits
  • Discount on trainings/workshops offered through the Alliance

  • Ability to vote on Alliance business (i.e. updates/changes to by-laws)

  • Ability to serve on the Alliance Board

  • If you are, or are interested in applying for funding through the Alliance

  • If you have or are interested in Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) support and licenses – the Alliance can provide up to 2 licenses for agencies. If your agency is interested in participating in HMIS please review the HMIS New Agency Application Policy

    • Does not apply to agencies that receive state and federal funds though the Alliance

  • Opportunities to network with people doing similar work

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